TI-86 photos and Tilem skin
These photos were taken by Danilo Ĺ egan on October 16th, 2011
They are licensed under LGPL2.1 so they could be easily used in
free software emulators for TI calculators, especially targetting
If you want to use it in a free software emulator with a license
incompatible with LGPL, feel free to email me at danilo @ this domain
and I'll happily reconsider re-licensing (though, I wouldn't want
non-free software to use them, so I am not putting them in public
x6_*.jpg are my attempt at creating a skin for TI-86 for Tilem 0.9*.
Replace /usr/local/share/pixmaps/x6_*.jpg with these files for installation.
ti86.skn is a skin file created with tiemu-skinedit
for tilem 2 (from subversion).